So I really suck at doing this blog thing so I am going to try to set a goal for myself to blog AT LEAST once a week!
This summer has been awesome despite being in school. The first half of the summer I took my OB course which at first I thought I was going to hate. I ended up loving it! I got to experience the birth of two babies, one of which was a natural birth. It was truly amazing to see God's miracle right in front of me. I promised myself that I would not cry, but I did anyways. Even though OB is not really my thing, I learned so much and thoroughly enjoyed the experience on the floor. We had to make a drug commercial for our OB class and here is the one that we made... I am just posting the link because I do not know how to post a video on here yet, if anyone knows please inform me :) am now in my
psyc nursing rotation which I was really excited about at first. I am now a little more hesitant as the clinical draws near. I leave for Big Spring State Hospital on Thursday and I am looking forward to see what that brings.
Bill got a new job recently in pediatrics and he loves it and he is good at what he does. I am so proud of him for working so hard! Even though at times things can be stressful, he still keeps going and keeps up with his training and I look up to him for that. He turned the BIG 27 this week and we had a great weekend. He is going to be the best man in Mike and Christina's wedding this weekend but I
dont get to go :(. And its in my hometown even! Gotta love nursing school! MAY!
Also, I had the
privilege of housing 15 guests a couple of weeks ago. If anyone knows where I live, you know that its not a place meant for 17 total people. There were air
mattresses in the kitchen and in every crease of the house! We had such a blast though! The Serenity Church youth group from home came through Lubbock on their way to their mission trip in New Mexico, and I was able put them up for a couple of nights. We had a blast! I took them on a tour of the Tech campus, took them to the 8 million dollar leisure pool, and we had an awesome worship night in my living room. When they came back through, they stayed at my house again, and once again we had an amazing night of worship at my house. Vanessa, my roommate, did a Jesus painting that was incredible and touched my life as well as the lives of those who were here. Thanks Vanessa! I miss all of the people that came and am excited I will see them again in 25 days!
I also started working at the Heart Hospital this summer! I really enjoy working there as a nurse tech!
I will post some pictures soon.